Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cool Cities

When the industrial revolution started in the eighteenth century the CO2 in the world started to increase. The solution for that problem is to find another earth but that is impossible so we need to decrease the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by 50%. In Japan in the past thirty years the Gross Domestic Product has increased by 100% and the energy efficiency has rose by 37% and the oil burning up decreased by 8%.

The most two sources of CO2 are buildings and transportation which emits about 90% of the whole carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. People have found a new way to decrease the amount of CO2 it is by building new cities called Cool Cities that have no carbon dioxide emissions. They are built in Japan by SDCJ. In Cool Cities the transportation used there are CO2 free for example they use solar ships, hybrid cars, and light powered rails. There are some facilities in these cities like business public zones, residential zones, and sports zones. Designers of these cities uses water, trees, and roof membrane to keep the city cool. These cities are expected to decrease CO2 emissions by 50 to 80% and the overall average is 60%.