Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Global warming

The green house effect is the principle used when radiation comes from the sun and inters the earth atmosphere and can't bounce back out of it. Global warming represents the increasing rising temperature of the planet due to the trapped infrared radiations by some gases like carbon dioxide.

Global warming causes a big problem to earth. When the temperature rises the glaciers and freezed water in the North Pole and the South Pole well melt so the sea level will rise. The land will decrease and the high sea level will cover it which is a big problem because a lot of costal cities will drown if this happens.

The land and living things will suffer from rising temperature. A lot of land animals cannot survive with the sudden change of temperature including the humans. Sea animals will also suffer from that and will be found dead floating if the temperature rises. As we can see, this is a serious problem which needs to be solved.


mansoor 174 blog project said...

hello ahmeeed....
your blog about global warming is very nice. keep it up ahmed.
thank you...

ahmed174blogproject said...

thanx mr. mansoor for your comment

sleepydizzy said...

Can I use your images for my assignment?? thanks in advance...