Saturday, May 31, 2008

Carbon Footprints

Carbon footprint represents the amount of carbon dioxide emissions produced yearly by a single person. This is done by calculating the amount of carbon dioxide produced by a person daily activities, power consumption, and journeys. My annual footprint is 19.80 and if I didn’t reduced my footprint I'll need about 3.36 planet earth to live the same life I live now.

I should change my life style to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide I emit alone. I am really an irresponsible person I keep the lights and air conditioner open all day long even if I'm out side the house. I also drive a lot and most of my rides are unnecessary. I should close all sources of power if they are not used and I should reduce or stop the joy rides.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lebanon and History

Lebanon is one of the places that is mentioned in the bible. It has been known from a very long time and it is called in the bible as the land of milk and honey. It is located in the Middle East exactly between Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Israel, and Cyprus. Beirut is the capital of Lebanon; it is nicknamed as "Paris of the Middle East" because of the French occupation and the effects of language and style of building they kept there.

From 1943 to1948 the Christians in Lebanon held the balance of power and the Muslims didn’t have a thing that can be remembered. After the Israeli-Arab war about 100,000 Palestinian moved to. When Palestinians arrived the number of Muslims rose which made there power increase also. In 1975, the tensions between the Muslims and Christians reached their peak when a Christian group attacked a bus full of Palestinians Muslims which caused a war between them. The Tensions resulted in the death of 2,000 Palestinians. The Syrian army sent 20,000 troops, and the land was divided between the Christians and Muslims. In 1982, the Israeli army invaded Lebanon to remove the PLO (Palestinian liberation organization).

In 1989, the peace deal was signed to stop the civil war. The cost of humans and economy conflict was quit big loss: between 150,000-200,000 Lebanese where killed, about 300,000 Lebanese were injured, and the Economy got affected too much. Signs of recovery have appeared for example, shopping malls are being built, roads are built, and people have started wearing western clothes. Still there are some current problems like unemployment people are a is high, 300,000 young people left the country, and the distribution of money is unfair.

"Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. 25 Spring 2006. Royal Geogaphical Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .

The Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore was the vise president for Bill Clinton and was promoted to be the president of the United States. After that he turned his attention to the environment precisely to the global warming and the disasters that could happen from it. He was one of the first's to alert the people about this big problem and the green house effect that happens in our planet. Al Gore kept on giving speeches to people and tries to convince them to limit the carbon dioxide that our cars and factories produce.

Global warming is a fact that happens when carbon dioxide increase in our planet which makes the ozone layer thicker and stop infrared rays from escaping out of the atmosphere. This makes the planet warmer and causes the melt of glaciers and ice in the poles. The continues melting of ice make the sea level rises at a level that all costal cities will sink. Sources of drinking water will dry up which will limit also the water people drinks.

Another problem is that the warm currents could turn in disastrous hurricanes when they bump to a cold current. Further more diseases are appearing that affected all living thing in the world. Human being and all living things could suffer a lot if they stop there and do nothing. Al Gore wanted the people to know about these disasters and most of them didn’t give it the amount of attention it needs.

My Opinion
In my opinion, global warming is a crisis that needs to be solved. So After watching the movie I became more aware of the carbon dioxide emissions and their effects on the environment. Al Gore displayed the result of his research and stated that temperature is increasing all over the world, and the sea level is also increasing due to the melting of glaciers. What triggered people attention as Al Gore said, is the hurricane of Katrina that stroke the US citizens and economy.

Al Gore the potential candidate for year 2000 elections is a very good speaker, he is a very good messenger, and he is clear in his accent, so from a range of one to ten ill give him nine.