Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lebanon and History

Lebanon is one of the places that is mentioned in the bible. It has been known from a very long time and it is called in the bible as the land of milk and honey. It is located in the Middle East exactly between Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Israel, and Cyprus. Beirut is the capital of Lebanon; it is nicknamed as "Paris of the Middle East" because of the French occupation and the effects of language and style of building they kept there.

From 1943 to1948 the Christians in Lebanon held the balance of power and the Muslims didn’t have a thing that can be remembered. After the Israeli-Arab war about 100,000 Palestinian moved to. When Palestinians arrived the number of Muslims rose which made there power increase also. In 1975, the tensions between the Muslims and Christians reached their peak when a Christian group attacked a bus full of Palestinians Muslims which caused a war between them. The Tensions resulted in the death of 2,000 Palestinians. The Syrian army sent 20,000 troops, and the land was divided between the Christians and Muslims. In 1982, the Israeli army invaded Lebanon to remove the PLO (Palestinian liberation organization).

In 1989, the peace deal was signed to stop the civil war. The cost of humans and economy conflict was quit big loss: between 150,000-200,000 Lebanese where killed, about 300,000 Lebanese were injured, and the Economy got affected too much. Signs of recovery have appeared for example, shopping malls are being built, roads are built, and people have started wearing western clothes. Still there are some current problems like unemployment people are a is high, 300,000 young people left the country, and the distribution of money is unfair.

"Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. 25 Spring 2006. Royal Geogaphical Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .


sager174blogproject said...

lebanon is great survivng countrey....and am sure about that after reviewing your topic

ahmed174blogproject said...

thank oyu for your comment ... it is and history shows that