Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore was the vise president for Bill Clinton and was promoted to be the president of the United States. After that he turned his attention to the environment precisely to the global warming and the disasters that could happen from it. He was one of the first's to alert the people about this big problem and the green house effect that happens in our planet. Al Gore kept on giving speeches to people and tries to convince them to limit the carbon dioxide that our cars and factories produce.

Global warming is a fact that happens when carbon dioxide increase in our planet which makes the ozone layer thicker and stop infrared rays from escaping out of the atmosphere. This makes the planet warmer and causes the melt of glaciers and ice in the poles. The continues melting of ice make the sea level rises at a level that all costal cities will sink. Sources of drinking water will dry up which will limit also the water people drinks.

Another problem is that the warm currents could turn in disastrous hurricanes when they bump to a cold current. Further more diseases are appearing that affected all living thing in the world. Human being and all living things could suffer a lot if they stop there and do nothing. Al Gore wanted the people to know about these disasters and most of them didn’t give it the amount of attention it needs.


sager174blogproject said...

thank you for the precious information

suhail said...

nice country which is you wrote about it

ahmed174blogproject said...


thank u 4 passing by

ahmed174blogproject said...

your eyes are nicer

thanx for passing by